Thursday 30 November 2017

Research - Audience Feedback

I created a questionnaire in order to get some audience feedback and I sent this out to my media class (who are in the same demographic as my target audience), as well as my focus group. The responses I received back were really helpful and gave me an insight into what I needed to change to make my products look better to my audience.
Everyone who answered the questionnaire agreed that my documentary follows typical documentary codes and conventions and that my ancillary products anchor my documentary. In addition to this, everyone agreed that the red font used throughout the ancillary products looks effective and aesthetically pleasing.
However, the audience feedback also gave me ideas of what I need to improve. I will make sure to make the pull quote on the TV listings review red, I will also include another interview in my documentary, either of a student or an older person. I may also re-film some of my narrator shots, in order to improve the sound quality and the image quality, as some of the shots were quite 'grainy' or 'quiet'.

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